
From the Gravitar Operation, Maintenance and Service Manual, Atari part number TM-206:
Gravitar(tm) is a one- or two-player game with a color X-Y video display. This new display, with its 3 color guns and higher voltage, has the same technology that was used in previous Atari black-and-white X-Y displays. However, the screen now displays dazzling colors and unique visual effects.

The player controls a space ship in three different solar systems. Each solar system consists of a home base, a death star, a red alien planet and four regular planets. Each planet has its own unique terrain.

The red alien planet is the home of shooting alien ships. Some of the regular planets may have flying alien rammers to be avoided or shot down. The four planets all have fuel cells to be retrieved with a tractor beam and alien bunkers that fire shells. Successfully destroying all of the bunkers results in a MISSION COMPLETE message at the top of the screen. Achieving MISSION COMPLETE allows the player to collect bonus if he can evade the rammers when leaving the planet. If successful, he will be placed back in the solar system.

A player has two ways to advance to the next solar system. The first is to successfully complete a mission on all four regular planets. The second way is to complete a mission on the red alien planet, which establishes a link into the next solar system.


The play mode begins in the first solar system with the player's blue ship in the center of the screen at home base. There are four regular planets plus a fifth red alien planet and a death star arranged clockwise around the screen in increasing order of difficulty. The planets are worth 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 points with a value of 9000 points on the alien planet. The positions of the alien planet and the death star vary in the second and third solar systems. After the first solar system all planets are valued at 9000 points. The death star, located near home base, is the center of gravity in each solar system. Colliding with it results in the loss of one life, and the player returns to home base.

See also:
Here are a few screen shots from my simulator:

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Last updated September 6, 1996