# spec file for package asl # # Copyright (c) 2006 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. Name: asl URL: http://john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/as/index.html Version: 1.42 Release: 0.3.bld55%{?dist} Group: Development/Languages License: GPL Summary: Macro Assembler AS Source: http://john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/ftp/as/source/c_version/asl-current-142-bld55.tar.bz2 Patch0: asl-Makefile.def.patch Patch1: asl-sysdefs.h.patch Patch2: asl-install.sh.patch Patch3: asl-ppc64.patch Patch4: asl-Makefile-DESTDIR.patch BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX) BuildRequires: tetex-latex tetex-tex4ht %description AS is a portable macro cross-assembler for a variety of microprocessors and controllers. Although it is mainly targeted at embedded processors and single-board computers, you also find CPU families that are used in workstations and PCs in the target list. %prep %setup -q -n asl-current %patch0 -p0 %patch1 -p0 %patch2 -p0 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p0 %build make %{_smp_mflags} CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" make docs %check make %{_smp_mflags} test %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install %{_smp_mflags} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING README README.LANGS TODO BENCHES changelog %doc doc/as-EN.txt doc/as-EN.html doc/as-EN.ps doc/as-EN.dvi %doc doc/as-DE.txt doc/as-DE.html doc/as-DE.ps doc/as-DE.dvi %{_bindir}/asl %{_bindir}/alink %{_bindir}/p2bin %{_bindir}/p2hex %{_bindir}/pbind %{_bindir}/plist %dir %{_datadir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/%{name}/include %{_datadir}/%{name}/lib %doc %{_mandir}/man1/asl.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/p2bin.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/p2hex.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/pbind.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/plist.1.gz %doc %{_mandir}/man1/alink.1.gz %changelog -n asl * Sat Jun 03 2007 Eric Smith 1.42-0.3.bld55 - files section changed to wildcard directories for include and lib (reluctantly, at request of reviewer lxtnow@gmail.com) - added dist tag * Sat Jun 03 2007 Eric Smith 1.42-0.2.bld55 - restored dir directives in files section for directories under datadir - added use of smp_mflags * Sat Jun 03 2007 Eric Smith 1.42-0.1.bld55 - based on OpenSUSE spec file from asl-1.42build35-39.src.rpm - updated to 1.42bld55 - cleaned up spec as per review