Using the PIC Subtract Instructions

The subtract instructions (SUBWF and SUBLW) on PICs work in a somewhat non-intuitive fashion as compared to typical 8-bit processors. The actual calculation performed by the PIC is (memory - W) rather than (W - memory).

For instance, if you want to subtract 3 from the W register, you might be tempted to write

but the actual effect of that instruction is to subtract W from 3.

The correct way to subtract a constant from W is to use the ADDLW instruction with an argument that is the two's complement of the desired subtrahend. For the example of subtracting 3 from W, you could use

	ADDLW	256-3
	ADDLW	253
or (in some assemblers)

The "backwardsness" of the SUBLW instruction can sometimes be put to good advantage. For example, to take the two's complement of the W register, you can use

rather than the perhaps more obvious sequence
	XORLW	0ffh
The same technique is useful for other complements, such as taking the 9's complement of a digit in W by
In general, any time it is necessary to reverse a sequence of numbers from A to B (where A and B are both in the range of 0 to 255), you can use
which will work even if the sum A+B is greater than 255.
Another thing to be aware of is that the carry bit as the result of a subtract instruction should be consider to be "NOT borrow" bit. In other words, if the subtraction would result in a borrow from a more significant byte, the carry flag will be clear. Otherwise it will be set. This behavior is the same as that of the 6502.
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Last updated July 21, 1995

Copyright 1995 Eric Smith